Why it pays and saves to look after your people

29 May 2018

The average pay-outs for disability discrimination were £30,000+ and an average of £40,000 in costs last year. Mental health discrimination sits in the discrimination box. Research compiled by our partner Grae Matta Foundation shows that over 70% of the new generation of graduates suffered from a mental problem in their last year of further education. The new generation will scan potential employers for their cultural management style and will be interested in how an organisation manages people from an individual perspective. We aren’t just talking about wellbeing policies, it’s if the organisation is prepared, where possible, to give the individual the ability to be who they want to be. This includes being properly listened to and acknowledged, supported, not being overwhelmed with workload and process, having a fun and friendly working environment and being made aware of change within the organisation. The organisational benefits if you do this in a coordinated and measured way across your organisation; improved productivity, lower staff churn, better reputation, reduced re-recruitment costs, and less chance of being hit with those scary numbers at the start of this piece. From a moral and ethical perspective, you will have happier people and I think we all know that leads to better business performance. If you genuinely feel you need to treat your people poorly to get a good performance, you are either deluded or have the wrong people. talktous@demolishthewall.com

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